With the Decree of the Ministry of Economic Development of 31 March 2021, subsidized loans for small and medium-sized cooperatives were released.

These loans are granted for investment programs or for liquidity needs.

The loan can be granted to cover numerous expenses: from the creation of a new production unit or expansion of an existing one, to expenses relating to the purchase of machinery or software strictly necessary for business activity; as well as user licenses, patents and trademarks.

They are provided through Corporate Finance Cooperation, a company owned and supervised by the Ministry of Economic Development which holds minority and temporary shareholdings.

It is possible to grant zero-interest loans for between three and ten years, including a maximum pre-amortization of three years.

In the case of new investments, these can be granted to cover the entire amount, which however cannot exceed five times the value of the participation, in any case not exceeding 2 million euros.

The decree is currently being published in the Official Journal.

From the 15th day after the aforementioned publication it will therefore be possible to submit the financing request and the related documentation